Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

2011's now history. I didn't really think it could be that fast. Sadly though, a jocund celebration to meet the new year wouldn't be so appropriate knowing how many lives have been affected by Typhoon Sendong. Sendong is by far the worst calamity to hit the region. It's so huge that it took an unprecedented number of lives and caused unimaginable property damages. Everybody's still grieving and sympathizing. The town didn't have fireworks for the New Year. The regular neighborhood party was also cancelled. Only proper I should say. Cunning 2011 left a calamitous surprise as it neared its end and it's only expected for people to empathize.

2011 certainly left some mark—prominently a bitter and contrite one. Let's all hope and work to make 2012 a better year.