Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Decorative bird cages

Decorative bird cages are uniquely attractive items for accessorizing rooms and even outdoor spaces. Especially for bird lovers, having these not-so-typical decors can create a sense of personality and distinctiveness. They serve a variety of purposes, mostly ornamental, with some bearing tealights or serving as containers for jewelry and accessories. However, prospective buyers need to bear in mind some important pointers in choosing a decorative bird cage to get. Getting one can’t be as simple as hanging it.
In most cases, decorative bird cages are not intended for housing real birds. Their primary function is ornamental and they are unlikely to be installed in spots suitable for live birds. Hence, it is important to be clear with the purpose of getting one. If the goal is to use the cage for keeping live avian pets, three things should be taken into account: pet safety, durability, and ease of cleaning.
You certainly wouldn’t want your pet birds trapped in a poorly designed and fabricated cage that may cause accidental choking or may be too small for the birds’ comfort. Likewise, you wouldn’t want a cage that is not well-designed and strong enough to prevent the birds from escaping. Moreover, there’s the need for ease of cleaning since real birds need to eat and defecate.
On the other hand, for the typical for-display decorative bird cages, there are also a number of points to consider.  For one, the cages to get should match the room or spot where they are to be positioned. Acrylic and plastic decorative bird cagescan go well with modern room themes but may not be suitable if you are going for the vintage look. There should be compatibility in the designs and colors. A decorative bird cage is meant to add beauty to a space so it should complement its surroundings and not create an awkward contrast. Additionally, introducing a bird cage to a room shouldn’t compromise space. For instance, if a freestanding decorative bird cage tends to significantly limit space in a room, it would be better to go for a hanging cage or one that can be screwed onto the wall.
Decorative bird cages come in a variety of designs and purposes. There are those particularly created to serve as centerpieces during weddings. Some feature lights for decorative lighting. Others may incorporate chimes or bells. There are also smaller ones that may be used with other decors such as artificial flowers. It’s up to the buyer to decide on what particular design to get but the basic principles of design and color matching and compatibility should be observed. If you are unsure about your choices, asking the store attendant for some advice shouldn’t be any hassle.
Furthermore, durability and price also matter. Not using your decorative bird cages to house real birds does not mean you have to forgo durability. Your cages have to last long and be commensurate with the price you pay for them. Of course, you hardly get beautiful decorative bird cages from one-dollar stores. They can be quite an expenditure so they should be durable aside from being merely aesthetically pleasing. Regarding the price, it is always wise to do some research first to find the best choices. With a multitude of websites providing convenient product references, finding a piece with the desired look and best price shouldn’t be too difficult.

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