Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A scientific explanation on the natural tendency to brag

Ever wondered why there seems to be an innate inclination to brag‽ Science has an answer.

A study performed by Harvard University neuroscientists led to the finding that talking about oneself to other people (in person or through indirect means such as social media and blogs) triggers sensations similar to those caused by food or money. Parts of the brain associated with pleasure were found to be activated when a person talks about himself or herself (self disclosure) especially with the mention of pleasant or enviable things.

The Harvard researchers conducted laboratory tests wherein they monitored the brain activity of volunteers to determine the parts of the brain that get stimulated when a person experiences pleasure or happiness. The volunteers involved in the study were mostly Americans residing near the university. A functional magnetic resonance imaging scanner was used to monitor brain activity during the tests conducted.

The general observation derived from the tests was that there were spurts of increased activity in regions of the brain that belong to the meso-limbic dopamine system. Activity in these regions are associated with the feeling of satisfaction and gratification derived from the enjoyment of food, sex, or money.

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