Sunday, June 17, 2012

Philippine Govt pulls out ships from Scarborough Shoal

As if it makes any difference.

Non-members of the yellow media report of the government's decision to pull out ships from the hotly contested Scarborough Shoal because of bad weather. However, palace lapdogs and pro-administration news agencies seem to put more emphasis on the government's "rethinking of redeployment."

The BS Aquino leadership is allegedly studying whether or not to send the ships back to "defend" the shoal. Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert Del Rosario said that there is no certainty that the pullout will be permanent in the same way that a redeployment is not guaranteed. He also mentioned that China made a promise to call back their vessels.

Two ships—you're reading it right, just two—of the Philippine Government have been deployed in the Shoal as the Chinese sent multiple times more including fishing vessels shamelessly exhausting the resources of the area. The two ships are from the Philippine Coast Guard and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources.

It is really quite baffling how the government tries to show some degree of restraint in provoking the Chinese while openly prostituting the country's openness to America's support. Apparently, the government is just trying to make the most of the typhoon's presence to calm the issue with China a wee bit as it figures out what to do next.

Well, it's not like there's any genuinely winnable solution in sight at present.

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